
I am a writer, researcher, and educator interested in the intersection of digital culture, new media, and everyday experience. In the Spring of 2020, I completed my doctoral dissertation The Logistical Mode of Production: Logistics as a Total Way of Life. It considers the rise of logistically-driven platforms like Amazon, Deliveroo, and Uber and how they are impacting social and cultural form. In addition to my academic research, I am also an arts journalist who has written pieces for INDY Week, Redefine Magazine, and other online publications. In a previous life, I was a practicing electronic musician who performed across the U.S. and Europe for over 10 years.

duke, duke university, PhD, media studies, visual culture, digital culture, Marxism, logistics, teaching, teacher, academic, academic research, curriculum vitae, cv, literature, graduate program in literature, logistical, research, marx, marxism, critical theory, theory, philosophy